Le cabinet sera fermé du 7 Juillet au 25 Août 2018

Cabinet lumineux du 20 rue vitruve

Cabinet lumineux du 20 rue vitruve
Prices : between 40 and 80 € per session depending
on the treatment
Quote request necessary for all care in business / institution
(in practice or at home)
Relaxing plantar reflexology (1h)
Stimulating plantar reflexology (1h)
from 5 to 10 sessions minimum
Palm Reflexology (45min)
Facial and cranial reflexology (30min)
Back relaxation (30min)
Combination of back relaxation and plantar reflexology (1h30)
Combination of back relaxation and palmar reflexology (1h15)
Combination of back relaxation and facial and cranial reflexology (1h30)
(at home or by videoconference)
Individual Shantala baby massage workshop (1h): 80 €
Shantala baby massage workshops in groups (1h30): on request
Limited to 3 parent / baby pairs
Baby dough ball massage workshop: ask for price
optional in the second learning workshop
For home care, travel costs of up to € 15 are added to Paris and the inner suburbs or more depending on geographic distance.
Payments by check, cash, smartphone or debit card
(possibility of remote control)
These services are not of a medical nature and in no way claim to be a substitute for a medical act or prescriptions for medication.
Some mutuals reimburse alternative medicine including reflexology, check with your mutual to find out if you benefit.
For so-called fragile people (pregnant women, the elderly, children, people with reduced mobility, people under treatment, etc.), care should not exceed 30 minutes.
I reserve the right to postpone a session in the event of lesion(s) contagious or not, pain due to a fracture, a sprain, tendonitis or any other contraindication.